Shinghwa Chemical Corporation
Products detail
Product Name: Dimethyl Carbonate
CAS No: 616-38-6
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Aliphatic compounds
Product spec: 99%
Packing: net weight of 200 kg/drum
Post Time: 2010-12-16
Description: It is a perfect methylating agent,carbonylating agent, methoxylating agent and methyloaring agent with active chemical properties. It can be used into produce polypropylene carbonate. In pharmaceutical and pesticide,DMC can be used into produce ciprofloxacin and carbadox. Also it is a indispensable raw material to produce lithium battery electrolyte. Because of its excellent chemical and environmental property, recently DMC is acting as a good sovent for coating, paints,ink and adhesive substituting the benzene,xylene,ethyl Acetate, butyl Acetate,acetone,butanone,toluene.It is an ideal substitute for toxic substances such as phosgene, dimethyl sulphate,and methyl chloraformate. Thus, it is a green chemical product.
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